Online Therapy

for Anxiety

For WOmen Across Michigan, Minnesota, Florida, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Oklahoma

woman standing outside on a rock with hands in the hair facing the sun to show joy and happiness

It is time to start believing you are GOOD ENOUGH!

On the outside, it looks like you have everything together. You have the job, the friends, the family, the house, etc. but on the inside….

  • Your thoughts are racing and never seem to slow down.

  • You wonder if you’re good enough and keep thinking about the things you should be doing.

  • You feel tense throughout your body.

  • It is getting harder to concentrate and stay focused.

  • You say “yes” when you want to say “no”.

  • You have trouble sleeping at night because your thoughts are replaying and analyzing everything.

This cycle can be exhausting. You hear others speak about self-care and resting, but your brain doesn’t let you. You are used to the fast pace, always on the go lifestyle. Heck, you’ve even been rewarded for it with good grades and being the go to friend people can rely on. It seems like it is catching up to you though. You think something is wrong with you for not being able to keep going, when it really is a normal way your body is trying to tell you to slow down and care for yourself.

That change can be hard. When you are so used to putting others first and fearful for other’s response, the thought of putting yourself first can be terrifying. Your brain may already be going through the “what ifs” and wanting to leap off this page. If you’re still here, I am proud of you. You want to regain power over these instrusive and racing thoughts. You don’t want to feel overwhelmed with guilt or shame. You want to feel like you’re doing enough.

Are you always overthinking things and getting stuck in these loops in your head?!

two people at coffee with a plant and candle on table. showing connection and joy during busy times

Imagine your inner voice trusting yourself and not adding doubt. The ping pong battle in your head can slow down. There doesn’t need to be a board room of all the parts of yourself analyzing each step causing doubt and fear. You can feel confident in your choices and letting your authentic self shine through.

Imagine feeling safe, comfortable, and in control of your body. Your body can learn to slow down and not have to scan for danger. You can make major changes that impact your heart rate, blood pressure, tension, and even energy levels. Our bodies are resilient so over time it can learn to enjoy the slowness, the rest, and the safety without chaos and stress.

Imagine not having to over plan or over work yourself to prove that you are worthy. You matter. There don’t have to be conditions to your worth. There doesn’t have to be next steps to keep working towards so your brain thinks you will finally matter. You matter, now. Your worth does not have to be tied to achievements, other people’s opinions, or these made up standards in our society. You get to be the judge of your wants and needs. You matter.

Sounds nice, huh?

How can therapy help with anxiety?

Worry less, enjoy more.

  • Understand where the anxiety comes from and identify tools to tackle it at the source.

  • Increase self-compassion to help be kinder to yourself and learn to trust the true self inside you.

  • Learn effective tools to challenge the what-ifs and worry.

  • Practice helpful coping tools to help manage the intense emotions that anxiety releases.

woman outside with sky background and on bridge dancing showing joy and happiness in life.

For many folks, therapy can be a safe space to drop their guard, lower their walls, and be vulnerable without judegment. Therapy can be a space where you share your worry, your insecurities, your stress and not have to feel like you are letting people down, hurting others, or have to take care of them. You get an hour to just be you. You get to be accepted for who you are and where you are. A trusted therapist can make transformational changes in our worth, our inner critic, our confidence, our sense of control, our safety, and our ability to manage our stress and anxiety.

I would be honored to be that space for you. Schedule a free consult to see if we would be a good fit!